
No gurantee this all is correct :D

Charge: q; SI: [C] Coulomb
Field: E; SI: [V/m]
ε₀= 8.85x10-12
k vacuum= 8.987x10-9

Coulomb's law:

q₁ q₂ F = k
1 4π ε₀ ε k =

Electrostatic field

Point charge
F q E =
Distributed charge
E = ∫ dE
dq 4π ε₀ ε r² dE= dq qL ;λ= λdL 4π ε₀ ε r² ;E=∫ L
λdL 4π ε₀ ε r² E=∫ u L r
Integrals are cool, but they are pain in the ass. So here are pre-calculated formulas for various shapes.
Infinite charged line's field
λ 2π ε₀ ε d E =
where d is distance from the charged line, and λ is a charge density
Non-infinite charged line's field. Middle of line
q 2π ε₀ ε d l² + 4d² E =
where d is distance from the charged line, l is bar length and q is a charge
Ring, central axis
k λ 2π r d (d² + r²)³ᐟ² E = λ r d 2ε₀ε (d² + r²)³ᐟ² = k q d 2ε₀ε (d² + r²)³ᐟ² =
Where r is radius, and d is distance to the center.
Disc with a hole
E 2ε₀ε ((R₁² + d²)⁻¹ᐟ² -(R₂² + d²)⁻¹ᐟ²)
Where R2 is outside radius, R1 is inside radius, and d is distance to the center.


Ф = E * S * cos α = E * S =∫ₛE dS